God can disperse His resources however He chooses!

After all He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and if He chooses to transfer some of those cows to different pastures, then that's His business.

Proof of this reality came from two kiddoes in NC.  Their mother, Carolyn, sent me this email:

The check I'm about to mail to LifeSong is primarily from Lily and Silas. They WON Paul's office NCAA pool, and they chose to give 10% of their spoils to charity. (A large percentage) of that check is from Lily and Silas Koning. The day your letter arrived, Lily read every word. She read parts out loud to Silas. They specifically CHOSE the Finley adoption of Katya as the recipient of their tithe (from their winnings.) It was a conscious, educated decision, not some nebulous, general decision in which Paul or I then picked the recipient. They intentionally, specifically wanted to help you adopt Katya!


I LOVE this!  These kiddoes participated in their Daddy's NCAA pool and WON!   How cool is that? 

Alex is cooking dinner!


Look at my Daughter!