Happy Birthday, Katya!
Eight years ago today, Katya entered this world as a 1 kilo "preemie." We are SO thankful that she was born and look forward to the day when we can celebrate with her. She'll get to choose her favorite dinner and the type of cake she would like. The rest of her brothers and sisters will decorate the dining room with streamers and balloons. When it's time for the "Birthday Princess" to come in, she'll be escorted by her two brothers to a special chair, fitted with a crown, and served dinner on the "Birthday Plate." After dinner each of her siblings and her Papa and I will share what we really like about Katya, while I record their thoughts. She'll be presented with gifts and then the lights will go out, and I'll bring in her cake lit with candles as her siblings sing "Happy Birthday!"
Today, I can't help but think of and pray for the young woman who gave birth to Katya. How is she doing today? Does she think about the day she gave birth to a tiny baby girl? Does she wonder about her? Does Katya wonder about HER? Lord, I pray that this young woman has come to know you and has received the grace that You alone can extend.