What was the most powerful book you read in 2013?

Please, please, please answer this question in the comments.  Right now.  Before you read any further.  Thank you very much.

So, the most powerful book I read in 2013 was …

Okay before I get there, let me build the scene a little bit.

Back in the spring of 2013, I was visiting my dear friends, Zeb and Evelyn Moss.  They had become precious to me when I worked for the Woman's Missionary Union of NC.  However we had a connection that dated back nearly 30 years.`

The first summer I worked at Camp Seafarer, Lynn Moss was the Head Counselor of Camp III.  Lynn sang, played the guitar, and was kind, fun, and an amazing leader.  When I grew up, I wanted to be just  like her.

So, I never learned to play the guitar.  And I just don't have a singing voice.  But, surprise-surprise, just four years later I was Head Counselor for Camp III, the Best Camp of All.

"Walking down the street
Eat bologna meet
Three times a week
Saying "Uhn, Un-gowa
Camp III's got the pow-a"  

So, I have no idea how to spell those last two lines, but that was my absolute favorite Camp III song.

Okay, so when I started working for WMU NC and figured out that Zeb and Evelyn Moss, BIG champions of WMU NC,  were my hero, Lynn Moss's parents, I was so excited to meet them.  And spending time with them showed me how very brilliant I was to have seen Lynn as a role model back in the day when I had a spiral perm and sported Flashdance fashion.  They are just as amazing as Lynn.

Zeb and Evelyn spent DECADES in Africa and are DRIPPING with wisdom, and joy, and I just love being in their presence.

One day when we were visiting and talking about some really hard stuff, they asked me if I had read this book, Insanity of God.

I said, "No, but I'm intrigued."

Evelyn disappeared for a few minutes and came back with this book in her hands.

"You have to read it," they said.

Zeb and Evelyn thought this book so stellar that they, former missionaries, bought a case of these books to give away.

I devoured it.   Through true stories of beauty and sorrow, Insanity of God addresses really hard questions like …

  • Is God really in war-torn countries where children die?
  • Why do we, in America, face so little persecution compared to the rest of the world?  Is this really indicative of God's favor?  
  • Where do you even start to help when death and destruction are at every corner and around every turn?

Folks, the answers aren't what you would expect.  

So, order this book today.  And I'll be honest with you.  I wish that I received an affiliate kickback when you go from my site straight to Amazon, but I don't.  For reasons beyond my understanding, they don't allow that in NC.  So this is an endorsement with absolutely nothing "in it" for me.

Except, that I think this book may just change your life.  And when your life gets changed, and you  ask hard questions, and you lay aside lesser pursuits for the sake of pursuing Christ … our crazy, holy, band of radical Christ-followers grows.  And that makes me happy.

So, Insanity of God was the most powerful book I read in 2013.  What about you?  What was the most powerful book you read in 2013?  


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