Regardless of the Challenges of Today …

… thanks be to God,
who always leads us in triumphal procession. 
2 Corinthians 2:14

What a glorious picture of life, right?

He doesn't sometimes lead us in triumphal procession.  He always leads us in triumphal procession.  Regardless of what the situation looks like, it is ultimately triumphal procession.  And he faithfully, so faithfully always leads us.  Do you have a sense of his faithful, triumphal leadership in your life?

Procession is movement, progression, pilgrimage.  We are not a hunkering down, stagnating people, settling.  We are a sojourning, moving-out people.  Often through the wilderness, but always moving.  Out of Ur, out of Egypt, out of the old covenant and into the new.  Out of darkness and into light.  Out of loneliness and into the family of God.  Are you embracing his call to be a pilgrim?

Over these five weeks or so, God is leading me across NC in triumphal procession to speak to sojourners who to know God deeply and follow him missionally.  I'm speaking in a variety of places and I would love for you to join me!  Woo-hoo!

February 2   First Baptist Church, Four Oaks, NC

February 16    Aberdeen First Baptist Church, Aberdeen, NC

February 28 - March 1     Making A Difference Women's Conference, Apex, NC
How to Choose Forgiveness When Your Heart is Wounded
From Surviving to Thriving:  Real Life Help for Real Life Moms

I do want to highlight this last one.  I'll be doing a couple of break-out sessions for the conference, but there is an amazing array of speakers lined up.  And, you can bring your daughters!  There are sessions just for her as well.

The keynote speakers are a Jen and Linda Barrick.  Their family was on their way home from a church event and hit head-on by a drunk driver.  Although everyone was critically injured, Jen received the worst of it.  Check out this video to hear a bit more of the story.

In spite of the horrific accident that this family endured, the Lord is leading them in triumphal procession.  This is what he wants to do with you and me!

So, go register for Making a Difference in My Corner of the World.  You don't want to miss this one!   Oh, and there is Earlybird Registration through February 1st.  Don't miss out!

Father, although life doesn't always feel like triumphant procession, we trust that in you, it is.  Regardless of our circumstances, you are leading us forward in certain victory.  Help us today, regardless of the challenges we face, celebrate what we know will be ultimate triumph.  In Jesus name … Amen.   


What was the most powerful book you read in 2013?


My feet are being washed.