My feet are being washed.

When he had washed their feet and put on his outer garments and resumed his place, 
he said to them, “Do you understand what I have done to you? 
You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am. 
If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, 
you also ought to wash one another's feet.  
John 13:12-14

This weekend a dear friend and her two daughters came to Raleigh for a 24-hour packing blitz.  There was no other reason for them to come.  They came simply to help us pack.

And they were amazing.

  • Dishes are packed.
  • Pictures are off the wall.
  • Books are packed.

Not only did we work together, but we talked, and laughed, and shared hearts.  Our girls did hair between packing up American Girl Dolls and rediscovering forgotten treasures.  Moving is hard work, but the help of friends is making it sweet.

My feet are being washed.

And they're not the only ones.  People are giving us boxes.  I have lasagna in the freezer and more meals coming this week.  An army of movers is forming.   A cleaning team is assembling to tackle the parsonage once the moving truck pulls out.  And, thanks to a generous friend, Larry and his team have worked sparkling magic over the new house.

My feet are being washed.  

On Saturday night, we gathered in our home, as we have been on Saturday nights for the past few months, to share a meal, and worship, and pray.  Sweetness.  Complete sweetness.

My feet are being washed.

I am beyond grateful for the body who are so generously sharing time, talent, and treasure with our family.

The Christian life is not an easy one.  There are sacrifices to be made, crosses to carry, and a cost to count.  Jesus never promised an easy life, but he did promise an accompanied one.  Accompanied first by him, and then by the body knit together, caring, and sharing.  Beautiful.  Simply beautiful.

My feet are being washed.

Is there someone in your life who needs a bit of feet washing?  Is there some time, talent, treasure you can offer to help out a friend?  Is there a need you have that you should share so that others can have the joy of coming alongside you?

Father, I am so grateful for your Son, the ultimate foot-washer.  You humbled yourself, all the way to the cross.  Thank you, Jesus.  Now you have asked us to wash one another's feet.  Would you show me who in my life needs a bit of foot-washing today?  And would you show me how to let a friend know that I need help?  In Jesus' name … Amen.


Regardless of the Challenges of Today …


Learning to Walk by Grace