
The #1 thing to resolve for 2014 is to cultivate your personal relationship with Christ.  The very best way to do this is to spend time every single day reading the Bible and praying.  

Are you ready to resolve this one thing? 

Often people start out the year with grandiose resolutions.  Intention is great.  Ambition is great.  But it's the day-in, day-out that gets it done.  This is why I'm not so sure you should resolve to read your Bible in a year.

Rather, I'd like to see you resolve to read your Bible and pray for 15 minutes every single day.  Sure, more is great.  But don't be paralyzed by procrastination and perfectionism.

Are you ready to resolve this one thing?  

Reading your Bible and praying every single day is the best habit you can form to get to know Jesus deeply, intimately, purposely.

Don't treat your Bible like a Magic-8 Ball.  Get a plan and stick with it.  If you need a plan or have questions about this, please email me -

And before you ring in the new year tonight, collect everything you need (Bible, pen, journal or paper) so that you are ready to kick off 2014 by reading your Bible and praying tomorrow morning.

Are you ready to resolve this one thing? 
Has this little series helped you prepare for 2014?  What's been your favorite tip or idea?  What would you add?  

Learning to Walk by Grace

