
With a busy household, ministry and work, there is ALWAYS something to do.  I'm guessing your life is a lot like mine.

Simplifying what HAS to happen on a day-in, day-out day helps you focus on what really matters to you.  When I'm considering what absolutely has to happen for our family to function on a day-in, day-out basis, there are only three things that have to happen for super basic organization:

Do you have a plan for meals?  I've been in seasons where I cook a month's worth of meals for the freezer, bake bread, make yogurt, etc.  I've been in seasons when the best I can do is get a frozen lasagna.  The point is simply to know what you're doing for meals.   

For me, what works best is to have a four-week rotation of dinner meals that our family generally likes. I like the four-week plan because it gives me options and flexibility.   

I stock the pantry with everything I need for these meals.  Then I just fill in produce.  If you'd like to see my four-week plan, just email me and I'll be happy to pass it on.  Just email me --


Let's be real.  Laundry is NEVER done.  Never.  Basically, I want everyone to have clean underwear and something to cover their body.   

I've tried lots of strategies for taming the laundry monster. I've had labeled laundry baskets and sock-matching strategies.  I've bought lingerie bags and labeled them by kid.  And folks, I've given up on laundry and made them responsible for their own.   

But the bottom-line goal is clean underwear.  Everything else is cake.  

Basic straightening

Although I don't like to just close the bedroom doors, I'll do it.  What I have to have is straight public areas.  Not dusted, vacuumed, perfect … just straight.

This means I become the Mommy-Snatcher.  When kids leave their stuff in public areas, it goes in the Mommy-Snatcher Basket.  They can earn it back with chores.  Public areas stay basically straight and I get work from my progeny.  

I have used chore charts and will be happy to share mine with you, if you'd like to see.  Again, just email me and I'll get ours out to you.

Simplifying day-in, day-out household management helps you focus on what really matters.

Okay, so meals, laundry, and basic straightening are my biggies.  What about you?  



