
Today is about looking ahead and making choices.

The key phrase …

Choose your big rocks.

 Steven Covey explains in Seven Habits that many times we fill our calendars with sand and little rocks and don't have time for the big rocks.

Although there are longer videos that explain this concept, here's a super short one.

It's a great image for deciding your day-to-day.  But even more helpful when you look at your year.  Here's what I want you to do.

Choose your big rocks.  

Yesterday, you considered

What can only I do? 

Today, armed with the answers to that question, put the big rocks in your calendar for the year.  If your big rock is a big project, then schedule in the medium-sized steps and deadlines.  Don't get bogged down.  Simply …

Choose your big rocks.  

Anything surprising you as you consider your priorities and choices?  



