
Today's the day for considering your priorities.  There is one simple question I ask when setting my priorities.  What can only I do?

So that's the question for you today …

What can only you do?  

I'm the only one that can be a wife for my husband, mother my children, and do the specific work and ministry to which I'm called.

Sometimes that feels like a lot.  But I think that sometimes we put things on that list that really don't belong there.  We elevate the urgent over the important.  We do stuff that other people should be doing.  Or we do stuff that just doesn't matter.

What can only you do?  

Make a list of the things that only you can do.  Only you can have your personal relationship with Christ.  This is up to you to cultivate.

Reading your Bible is key to cultivating your personal relationship with Christ.  Often, at this time of year people are making the decision to read through the Bible in a year.  It's a great goal.  And if this is your goal, you may want to check out this post, Should You Read Your Bible in a Year.

What can only you do?  

Do you think this question helps clarify your priorities?  Leave a comment and let me know.  



