
Today's the day for reflection.

Looking back helps you to celebrate, to grieve, and to move forward.  Joyous things and so very hard things have happened in your life this year. Take time to reflect by doing two things.

Count your blessings

What joys have you experienced?  What challenges have you overcome?  What has been super-fun?  Super-wonderful?  Super-amazing?  What provision has come unexpectedly?  What new friendships have formed?  What opportunities have opened up?  Take a few moments and jot down at least 12 blessings for 2013.  And then take a few moments and thank the Lord for these blessings.  

Consider your losses

What pain have you endured?  What suffering have you faced?  Relational? Financial? What have been the really hard things that have happened in your life.  What dreams have died?  What doors have closed?  What hopes have been deferred again, and again, and again?  This may take longer, but it's important.  It's important to look realistically at the past to gain perspective, connect the dots, and step toward healing.  If you'd like a bit more on this, check out these three blog posts where I share about my journey.  

 What have you learned in reflection?  Would you mind sharing in the comments?  



