
Today is all about recovery.  You have shopped, cooked, cleaned, wrapped, welcomed, and done the deal.  
Today's the day for recovery.  No one is really expecting anything of you.  And if they are, it can wait.    Seriously it can.  
If you have a massive to-do list, take a look at it and see what you can scratch off.  I'm guessing there are several things that you do not have to do today. 
What's on the list that has to be done by you … today.  Do those things.  Nothing else.  If anyone gives you a hard time, send them to me.    And then …

~Go for a walk
~Read a magazine
~Talk to a friend
~Take a nap
~Light a candle

Your goal for today is to recover.  Christmas season can be brutal folks.  Take today to recover.  
Each day between now and New Year's I'm giving a super-short post to help you get ready for 2014.  Subscribe to be sure that you don't miss a post by putting your email address in the little box up-and-to-the-right.    



Merry (Day-after) Christmas!