Fruit Comes from Roots Sent Deep

God brings the same truth to me again and again.  I know it deeply.  I feel it deeply.  And I need it so deeply.

When roots go down deep into streams of living water,
faith will come, hope will come, love will come, joy will come.

Fruit comes from roots sent deep.    

Rejoice in the Lord always;
again I will say, Rejoice.
Let your reasonableness be known to everyone.
The Lord is at hand. 

Philippians 4:4-5

In the Lord.  He is the only source of real joy.  Real joy, even through tears, is possible in the Lord.  

~When women argue and bicker,
~When cancer riddles our bodies and we can only think of the Day when all this will be done,
~When people who seemed so holy get shown for what they truly are,
~When what's behind threatens to catch up with us and shame us and break our hearts again,
~When people who should know better exchange relationship with Christ for religion

It is possible to rejoice in the Lord.  And writing the same thing to you again, and again, and again is no trouble for me.

In the Lord.

In the quiet place, the quiet space, the quiet time that you may be able to find only behind the locked door of your bathroom … choose to send your roots deep.

When diagnosis, division, disaster, divorce, death hits, there is no rejoicing in these.

But there can be, as impossible as it sounds, rejoicing in the Lord.

He is near.  So close.  At hand.  There is no separation, condemnation.  There is only closeness.  The veil has been torn and the way is opened.  He is near.  Send your roots deep.  

"Abide in me," Jesus said.  Make your home in me.  Dwell in me.  Live in me.  Cultivate intimacy with me.  Know me. And when you do …  authentic, genuine, reasonable fruit will come from your life.  Fruit comes from roots sent deep.  

Don't worry so much about rejoicing.  Don't worry so much about producing.  You will wear yourself out with that.  Choose to send your roots down deep.  Joy will come.  Authentic faith will come.   Fruit comes from roots sent deep.  

Fruit comes from roots sent deep.  

Thoughts? Questions? Comments?  I'd love to hear from you!  And if you're wondering how to send your roots deep, here's a good place to start.  

This is Riverside.  Just like Lydia gathered with women by the river, that's what we're doing.  I'm so glad you've found us.  If you put your email address in the little SUBSCRIBE box up-and-to-the-right, these posts will come right to your inbox.  Pretty nifty, right?  And, if you'd like to get directly in touch with me, feel free to email me at  I look forward to hearing from you!


What do you do with the 8%?


We've got to stop slashing each other to pieces.