We've got to stop slashing each other to pieces.

Gideon has 300 men with him.  The battle ahead looks impossible.  

Down in the valley, several hundred thousand Midianites sleep. Gideon and his few sneak around the lip of the gorge with their hands full.  In one hand every soldier balances his torch covered by a ja of clay.  In the other they each carry a trumpet.  It's dark out and they can barely see.  But what they do see is that this is a crazy battle plan.

3:00 am.  Time for the guard to change.  As the last watch settled into place, Gideon raised his trumpet to his lips and blasted the alarm. Immediately 300 trumpets answered back.
Men bolted upright in the camp.  As the trumpet call echoed through the canyon, they heard 300 jars smash, saw 300 torches blaze, and heard the battle cry strong and clear, "A sword for the Lord and a sword for Gideon!"

Knowing the Hebrew battle ways, every Midianite knew that each blazing torch represented 100 soldiers.  What they saw with their eyes told them that they were surrounded by 300,000 troops.  Only they weren't.

This assumption sparked panic. And rather than pausing to assess the situation, identify the enemy, and work together in the fight, they screamed, grabbed their swords, and started slashing one another to pieces.   

Isn't this what we do?

I entreat Euodia and I entreat Syntyche
to agree in the Lord.
Yes, I ask that you also, true companion,
help these women,
who have labored side by side with me in the gospel
together with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers,
whose names are in the book of life.
Philippians 4:2-3

Euodia and Syntyche were slashing each other to pieces.  Something came between these two women. Something that shouldn't  divide.  Rather than standing shoulder-to-shoulder to battle the real enemy they were slashing each other to pieces.  
Have you ever been in this situation?  You have a falling out with a friend.  She says something that hurts your feelings.  Or you hear from someone else that she's said something.  Rather than pausing to assess the situation, you jump to a conclusion, and the slashing begins.  
It's unnecessary.  It's harmful.  It hurts you.  It hurts people you really love.  It hurts your community. It dishonors God.  We've got to stop slashing each other to pieces.  Here's how:
Agree in the Lord

Get Jesus at the center.  Agree that he is Lord.  Agree that you love him.  Agree that above all else, you will love him together.  Agree in the Lord. 

Get help

You need Jesus.  But you probably need someone else too.  Our kids have it right, don't they? They come to us shouting, "Mom, he took my train."  They know they need help to work out their issues.  Get help.  

Remember who you are

Stop acting like an idiot. Seriously.  Most likely what has got you so irritated is not that important.  Remember your history together, how you have worked together to advance the gospel in your corner of the world.  Remember who you are.  

Remember your destiny

Get perspective.  You are going to be with Jesus forever and forever.  Your names, both of your names, are written in the book of life.  You have an eternal future together.  Remember your destiny.

The argument you have with your friend … is it really that important? 
The division you are experiencing with your brother or sister in the Lord … is it worth it?  
The wall you're erecting between you and your partner in the gospel … is it necessary?  
When we slash each other to pieces, the enemy wins.  
Can you be the first to extend the olive branch and agree in the Lord?  Even if you have to agree to disagree.  Even if you have to part ways  …   agree in the Lord and stop slashing each other to pieces.  
Do you know someone or several someones who need to read this?  Maybe you can get a conversation rolling by linking this post on your FB page.  And if you have thought or comment, I'd love to hear from you!
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Fruit Comes from Roots Sent Deep


Is your battle intense? Let's do this together.