Is your battle intense? Let's do this together.

When the battle intensifies, some soldiers strengthen their resolve, go shoulder to shoulder with their brothers and sisters, and move forward. Others try to manage alone.

Do you remember the scene in Downton Abbey where Thomas and Matthew run into each other in the trenches?  Surrounded by squalor and death and with gunfire ringing in their ears, they reminisce about better days.  Thomas is desperate to get out of there and asks Matthew how he can earn a discharge.

"A legitimate wound should do the trick."

Back in the trench, Thomas is alone. The gunfire intensifies. He remembers Matthew's words.  He thinks about Downton. The gunfire quietens. Thomas opens his cigarette lighter and raises it above the edge of the trench.

One shot, one excellent shot, rings out.  Thomas gets his ticket back to Downton.

When the battle intensifies, some try to do it on their own. But not us.  

Brothers, join in imitating me,
and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have in us.
For many, of who I have often told you and now tell you even with tears,
walk as enemies of the cross of Christ.
Their end is destruction, their god is their belly,
and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things.
But our citizenship is in heaven,
and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ,
who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body,
by the power that enables him to subject all things to himself.
Therefore, my brothers, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown,
stand firm thus in the Lord, my beloved.
Philippians 3:17-4:1

When the battle intensifies, we'll clothe ourselves in the armor that will not fail, and move forward in focused lockstep.  We'll do it together.


We'll look to our generals and imitate their examples.  With your eyes on Christ, whose example can you follow?  Whose walk with the Lord is one that you can imitate?


We'll identify ourselves as Christ-followers above all else. We'll be ambassadors in chains.  Together we will walk as citizens of heaven.  How will you identify yourself?  


We will not shrink back.  We will not give in to fear.  Remembering the ultimate outcome, we will deepen our relationships, and stand firm together.  Will you intensify your resolve?  

Are you, right now, in an intense battle?  You can't do this alone.  Let's go lockstep, arm-in-arm, and fight together.  Would you like prayer? Leave a comment.  Would you tell me a bit about your battle?  Email me at  Let's do this together.  

What would it be like if we could join hands and hearts and together go after the the things that really matter?  What would it be like if we really encouraged each other to lay aside every hindrance, throw off every barrier and run hard after God?  What would it be like if we stopped trying to manage alone and did life together?  What would it be like?

Lord, you know how deeply I desire to see women freed up to live life to the full.  Would you stir in the hearts of women a holy passion to set aside lesser pleasures and wholeheartedly pursue you?  Would you help us learn how to do this together for your glory and our joy?  In Jesus' name … Amen.  

Thank you for joining us Riverside!  I am passionate to see women connect with God personally so that they can serve God missionally.  I want to see women root their identity in Christ, cultivate intimacy with Christ, and impact the world through Christ.  Riverside is a place where we can, just like Lydia and her friends, do this together.  I'm so glad you're here!


We've got to stop slashing each other to pieces.


Stand Firm