Do you have Jesus Girls in your life?

Before I get to Jesus Girls, let me give you a quick update.  I cannot TELL you how thankful I am for you prayers over these past few days.  Please keep them coming!

The borrowed Ford Taurus is still totaled and the trampoline is still beyond repair, BUT, our 12-passenger van, our Swagger Wagon, is in good shape.

With a brand new windshield and new to us spark plug cylinder cap thingies, the van is running great. Thank you our mechanic angel.  You know who you are.

Our needs are so similar to many, many people in our nation.  And, in this season of losing, we are really gaining.  We're gaining:

  • greater dependency on God,
  • greater appreciation for God's people, and
  • greater understanding of the challenges many of our neighbors are facing.

Although it's not easy, it's good.  As we pray for provision for our family, we count our blessings again, and again, and again.

So, today, although I have PLENTY of work I need to do, I spent time with some Jesus Girls.  Do you have Jesus Girls in your life?  Girls who aren't just friends, but girls who "get" you, and run hard with you, and encourage you to keep your eyes on the prize?

I haven't always had Jesus Girls in my life, so that made this morning all the more sweet.

Let me tell you about these Jesus Girls.  These Jesus Girls ...

  • love the Lord,
  • know the Word,
  • pray together,
  • accept one another,
  • encourage one another, and
  • are on mission together.

Being with them was like drinking sweet, sweet water.

Doesn't this sound great?  In your busy, busy life, wouldn't it be wonderful to have some women who really "get" you?  Who accept you regardless of what you've been through, what you've done, or where you are in your walk with the Lord?  Do you have Jesus Girls in your life?  If you don't, here's what I would suggest.


Ask God to bring some Jesus Girls into your life.  Women, we need each other.  This life is hard  and we need women who will place courage into our hearts to help us run the race well.  Ask God, and keep asking him.  Ask.  


Keep your eyes open.  Who are those women who you haven't chosen, but God seems to be bringing into your life?  You may seem to have nothing in common with them.  You may be at totally different seasons of life, but perhaps they're your Jesus Girls.  Seek.   


Finding your Jesus Girls takes action.  You can't just sit back and wait for them to come to you.  Be willing to knock on some doors.  Frankly, be willing to take some rejection and experience some disappointment when the girls you feel drawn to are not your Jesus Girls.  You'll know they're your Jesus Girls when God opens the door.  It really will be like a haven has been opened up to you and you are welcomed regardless of your history, your baggage, the strain you're under right now, or your personal areas for growth.  Knock.  

Do you have Jesus Girls in your life?  If so, tell me about them.  I want to celebrate the blessing the Lord has given you.  If not, email me at, or leave me a message.  I'd love to ASK the Lord to bring you some Jesus Girls, because we all need some Jesus Girls in our lives.    

Philippians 3:12-14, , 1 Thessalonians 3:11, John 4:13-15, Psalm 1, Jeremiah 17:7-8, Revelation 21:6, Matthew 7:7-8.


What does it mean for me, as a woman, to follow Jesus?


Friends, we would love some prayer.